Department of Chemical Engineering:
The Department of Chemical Engineering established in 1963 is the pioneering department of Chemical Engineering education in the state of Gujarat. The department offers under graduate course (B.E.) in Chemical Engineering and Postgraduate (M.E.) courses in Petrochemical Engineering (1982) and Polymer Technology (1985). The department over the years has matured and earned many laurels. In the fifty years of existence the students of the department received four P. C. Ray awards for best B. E. dissertation in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers. Seven M.E. scholars received the ISTE-IPCL awards for best ME thesis. Teachers of this department have been honoured by various organizations.
Students graduating from this department have earned high reputation in the profession both in India and abroad. The department strives continuously to orient its academic resources to cater to the changing outlook of the profession. The integrity, dedication, aptitude and knowledge of the students make them among the best in the world.
Our students have been placed in niche chemical industries
The department has identified METAL RECLAMATION FROM AQUEOUS STREAMS as its thrust area. Other research areas include:
- Research Areas
• Metal reclamation from aqueous streams
• Studies on Polymer Waste management
• Studies in phase equilibria of binary and multicomponent systems
• Reaction Engineering and Process Development
The department has well equipped laboratories in subject areas of Fluid Mechanics, Mechanical Operations, Chemical Technology, Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Process Control, Polymer Processing and Computer aided design.
The department has number of research instruments like U.V. Spectrophotometer (Shimadzu), Laser diffraction particle size analyzer (Malvern), Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (Chemito), Gas Chromatograph (Thermo Fisher), Cone and plate Rheometer (Brookfield), B E T Apparatus (Carto Erba), Dipcoater, Research Microscope (Olympus), Tube furnace etc.
The department over these years has completed many research projects aided by Govt. of India funding agencies like MHRD, AICTE, UGC etc. In the last ten years in addition to plan grants the department mobilized research grants of the tune of Rs. 24 lakhs from AICTE, and Rs 15.8 lakhs from UGC.
The department has strong Industry- Institute linkage and in addition to the technical and intellectual input, the department has over the years received considerable support for its infrastructure from the Industry.
The GSFC Chair professor was instituted in 1975, a 107 seater auditorium in the department was built by erstwhile IPCL in 1990’s and recently M/S SABIC under their CSR Premixer has Along with pelletiser Polymer Processing laboratory in the department. Major polymer processing and testing equipment’s such as Extruder, Injection moulding machine, Melt flow indexer and Universal Testing Machine which are installed in this laboratory.
The alumni of the department are our pride. Students passing out of this department have left a mark on the Chemical and allied industry the world over. The alumni have contributed significantly to the progress and development of the department. Recently Mr. Chintan Shah (alumni of 1993) has completely refurbished a laboratory for the department.Revamping of Mechanical Operations Laboratory to create facility for Research and Instrumentation Laboratory by Avneep Bansal, Rajendra Dhamasana and Sankalp Gandhi (Alumni 1994).
The students and teachers are aware of their social responsibility and have participated whole heartedly in various extension activities such as Blood donation, cleaning activity as well as all other activities organised by the faculty.