Communication Cell:
M. S. University started the Communication Cell in 2011 as the primary point of contact between the University and Media. It looks into the following areas: Regular Liaison between the M. S. University of Baroda and Media Organizations (Print & Electronic) for MSU News.
Dissemination of required information to various stakeholders both internal and external through print and electronic media outlets.
Update Media about events and activities conducted at the University Head Office as well as at all 14 Faculties, 3 Colleges, Institutes, Centers and Cells of University.
Maintain the record of university news appeared in various newspaper on daily basis Daily Documentation and analysis of MSU news in media
Prepare public communication materials on behalf of University
Cell collects and receives information related to seminars, conferences, workshops, new research findings and innovations from various Departments/Faculties and sends the same in a structured format to the media outlets for news story to serve the need of various people in the society.
It sends Press Invitation for press conference for various events organised by various departments and faculties. This helps the event in getting wider publicity which includes live coverage by the electronic media and direct reporting for the print media.
Sending Press Release and press notes are regular affairs of the cell.
It also organises periodic press conferences and sends information on behalf of the university on various issues.
It prepares and distributes both print and electronic communication materials. Prominent among them are:
- "Legacies Nurtured ... Dreams Sustained....." (As a respect to our former vice chancellor Prof. Yogesh Singh during his farewell)Reunion 2013
- University Song " in collaboration with Dep. of Extension and Communication .
- Different publicity materials prepared (Transitions, MSU calling, Refer display on Bulletin Board)
- Posters on anti ragging and no smoking issues
- University newsletters
- Produced three video films entitled
Documentation of MSU related news story both in digital and manual format is a daily exercise of the cell.