Grants Commission Unit (GCU):
Grants Commission Unit (GCU) was established on 1st July, 1958.
The Section deals in the administration of:
- Research Grants
(Major and Minor projects sanctioned by various Funding Agencies like UGC, DST, DBT, CSIR, DAE, AICTE, GSBTM, ICSSR, GUJCOST etc to the teachers) - Departmental Grants
(UGC DRS, DSA, CAS, Infrastructure Grant, DST- FIST, DST-PURSE, AICTE-MODROB etc) - UGS plan Grants
(General Development assistance for plan periods) - UGC Travel Grant
- UGC Grant for organizing Seminar/ Conferences/ Workshops
- UGC Grant for Publication
- UGC Grant for Visiting Professors/ Fellows
- Student Fellowships
(like UGC JRF/SRF, UGC (BSR), UGC (RGNF), UGC (IGNF), UGC (Emeritus), UGC (Dr. D.S.Kothari PDF), UGC (NFHE), UGC (MANF), CSIR, DST-INSPIRE, DBT-Ramalingaswamy Fellowship, DBT-RA, DBT JRF, ICHR, ICSSR, ICMR, SERB (PDF), Lady Tata Fellowship, Solvay Fellowship (Chemistry), PDA Fellowship (Microbiology) etc.) - Custom/ Excise Duty Exemption Certificate
- GST Concessional Certificate
- Annual Administrative Report of the University
- UGC Plan Proposals
- Women's Grievance Redressal Cell
- Academic Planning Board
- UGC faculty Recharge Programme
- Work Flow Management System (WFMS)
Development Officer
Ms. Neeta Dhar
Development Officer
: 0265-2793735
Technical Staff
Administrative Staff
Mr. Rajesh Gandhi
Head Clerk
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